Thursday 12 May 2016

Take me to the Beach

Last one, I promise! I took so many photos during the short holidays that we had with my brother, I just couldn't leave them like that and had to share one of the last days we had with Thomas. Plus, it makes me happy to go through them all again and realise how much he's grown. He's not so little anymore and I feel like I've lost so many precious years with him that seeing him for a few days made me feel like I finally managed to catch up with him properly. See what I mean?

It was a Sunday, it was sunny and we were at Jason's parents over on Anglesey, so we decided to go to Newborough and enjoy a long walk on Llanddwyn beach. I always enjoy walking all the way to the lighthouse on the island and we always say hi to the sweet little ponies! It was one of those days that made me wish it was summer and really warm and I could just jump in the sea without worrying of dying from a thermal shock.

You can see a little glimpse of the last day with Thomas in my Instagram snaps actually! We surprised him and woke him up early to go to Alton Towers. Such a great day! Even though Jason was feeling a bit rough at the end of the day, my brother made sure to do as many of the rides as he could right up to the end and he could not believe how great the rollercoasters were. I didn't take my camera with me because I didn't want to worry about it whilst I'm enjoying the rides, and for most of the rollercoasters, you need to leave your bags on the side before going on them. And by the way, Galactica (previously Air), is really really cool :)

Onto the next adventure! (Bavaria is in a few weeks now... Exciting!)

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