Thursday 26 February 2015

Your Top 5 favourite posts!

Hey everyone! To continue the celebrations of my blog's first birthday, I thought I would do a little selection of the top 5 posts that got your attention in the past year, so here goes!
(Little hint: You can click on the image to go directly to the post if you missed it!)

I have to say I'm a bit surprised that this is the top one, but in a way I'm so proud of it that I'm glad you guys appreciated the effort I put into it and I hope it inspired you :)

Well, Christmas spirit is definitely gone by now, but there's no harm having a look back at this cute little town during the Christmas market (which in the end wasn't really a Christmas market...!)

This is probably one of my favourite wallpapers I created and you guys also seem to like it! I know August is still a little far away, but don't forget to download it if you don't have it already :)

I really enjoyed working on this project and god I was proud of myself when everything was all printed and ready to post! Wedding stationery is definitely my thing.

It's never too late to get organised and this sweet little calendar will help you make sense of the little mess in your brain (hopefully)! Keep your eyes peeled for some wallpaper giveaways with a few of these patterns!

Seeing my projects get some attention really motivates me to keep this blog going and do the best I can to create cool designs and share with you some great ideas and photos. Thank you all!

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