Sunday 20 March 2016

Spring is officially here!

Today is officially the first day of Spring, little bunnies, flowers everywhere and chocolate eggs. Oh yes, you heard me, Spring also means loads and loads of delicious chocolates, and you know what? Easter weekend is actually just around the corner and I. CAN'T. WAIT.

In the UK we have a long 4 day weekend and it's always the best time for Spring cleaning and gardening. Plus, my brother is coming to visit in a couple of weeks so we want to make sure the house is at its best! And I'm sorry but the Welsh Winter and gardening don't really go hand in hand so the garden definitely needs a bit (a lot) of a refresh!

Overall, I'm just happy to put those cold days behind and enjoy longer days. Spring is always a great time to start new projects, get active and take advantage of the sunny days with long walks on the beach or in the mountains. There's also loads of little lambs in every field around here, and that's just really cute.

So get out there and get your dose of Vitamine D!

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