Friday 24 August 2018

Coup de Coeur - Four Inspiring Artists

Happy Friday guys! It's been a while I haven't done a Coup de Coeur post and when thinking about the artists that inspired me lately, there were way too many for me to only share one!

This is due to the fact that I opened a new account on Instagram (see previous post here) purely for my design work and I started to follow soooo many talented people that I discovered through other creatives that I was already following. I absolutely love scrolling through my feed and literally "double-tapping" everything I see.

Here's a round-up of my four favourite artists at the moment!

Lana Jay's illustrations
Instagram // Shop

I fell in love with her style and cute witches straight away. Lately I've been having to draw more characters for children's books and various projects so I've been searching for illustrators that do it very well to try and get some inspiration (I'm rubbish with proportions!). Her pins and magical illustrations are absolutely beautiful too and she's got such a unique style... Anyway, if you haven't got the message yet: follow her now!

Catherine Kay, aka Katnipp
Instagram // Website

Not only am I a big fan of her illustrations and cute little doodles, but I've also had a proper girl crush for this crazy lady that is behind all these. Her Insta stories are just hilarious sometimes and she seems to be a genuinely nice person with a great sense of humor and an effortless talent for illustrating. She also sells some pins and stationery goodies so if I were you, I would have a look at her website straight away ;)

Sibylline Meynet (She's French!)
Instagram // Shop

Okay, I know it's not that important that she's French, but when I find amazing artists that I feel are almost "locals" to me, it makes me very excited! I found her through Twitter but followed her straight away on Instagram. I actually bought a copy of her zine Eclipse that was printed in a limited number and I did not regret it. Her magical illustrations of floating girls are to die for. I especially love the amount of details she includes in them and how original they look!

Mona K, aka Ghost Puff
Instagram // Shop

This girl is SO GOOD at what she does that sometimes I'm just jealous of her and her talent. She draws the cutest little animals and characters and is now embroidering her creations to sell them on Etsy (although most of the time they're gone the moment they're listed!). I also love following her behind the scenes through her stories, and her portrait commissions are always so lovely :)

Have a nice weekend!

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