Thursday 29 November 2018

Wallpaper Giveaway - Slow Down

Hey guys! It's time for a new wallpaper giveaway, full of good vibes, cosiness, and soothing pink and purple hues :)

It's almost December (say what?!) and when I realised that, I thought it was time for me to relax a bit more and slow down. I'm not talking about work really, because to be honest, this time of year is always a bit busy with clients wanting to get things done before Christmas (and it's great!), but I'm talking about everyday life. I love the fact that my days are buzzing with new projects to work on, but I also enjoy taking it slow in the evenings and weekends to recharge the batteries.

Although in the Summer I always feel like doing something, going outside and exploring, when Winter comes, I tend to be less eager to do all that and prefer to stay cosy in the house. I think this is mostly because passed 5.30pm it's completely dark outside ;)

This year has been a bit crazy again and I think I'm ready to relax for the last month of 2018. When thinking about the new wallpaper I wanted to create, I couldn't help but want to add a nice cup of hot chocolate with some Christmassy inspired pattern as I felt it was a good representation of December!

You'll notice that I used the same style for the steam as I did with the smoke on my Folktale illustrations. Well, what can I say, I thoroughly enjoyed creating the Folktale Week illustrations and it taught me quite a lot in the end! This challenge really helped me figure out a lot of things with my way of illustrating and I came from it feeling more confident about my work and my skills :)

Anyway! If like me, you're ready to slow down a bit, feel free to download these new wallpapers!

These wallpapers are free as usual but I would just like to remind people that they're only for personal use, thank you :)


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